Q&A with Nick Welch
Nick Welch is making a name for himself in the underground & working with artists like Kankan, Tana, Yung Fazo, Slump6s, Ka$hdami, Yvngxchris, Che, sgpwes & more. Read more about him below!
What got you into videography? So I first got interest into film when I took a music in film class, my freshman year of college, and fell in love with the combination of music & film. After that, Covid started and without school or anything I decided to try out music videos since I loved film but also had a passion for modern rap music. I started off first by editing and doing $5 music video edits on fiver just to build a portfolio, then from there saved up and bought my first camera and started shooting music videos February of 2021.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 5 years I hopefully see myself still doing music videos but on a larger scale. As much as I love the underground scene, I would love to work with some more mainstream type of artists and bring a new style of videos to it.
Who are your biggest inspirations? I would have to say that when I first got into music videos, my inspiration started as Cole Bennett but moved to Overcast as I discovered their videos early on in my career. However, now as I’ve become apart of this underground scene, I really get inspired by some of the directors around me including Aylo, Declan Kyle, & Tommy Killjoy.
What is your message FORTHEYOUTH? My message fortheyouth is to keep doing what you believe in no matter if nobody believes in you. A lot of people always ask me how I got to the position I’m in so fast and that’s really because despite my family, friends, and classmates didn’t see the vision of what I wanted to create, I worked nonstop to prove to them that I could make something out of this & I did.
What were some struggles you faced? A struggle I faced was making a decision on whether to continue with college or continue working towards a career in music videos. It was a super tough decision to make, especially since I’m from a small city where everyone always goes the college route so dropping out of college wasn’t acceptable at all by my family, which caused a lot of issues when I made my decision. It was a really tough process but I worked really hard and proved to my parents that it was the right decision.